Master Nickel Shim To Nickel Shim For Embossing or Printing
This Hard Electro Forming Unit has been specially designed for the replication of Holographic Nickel shims by means of an Electro-forming Process. The process consists of Electro-deposition of Metal (nickel) on a model (Master) capable of conducting electric current. When the deposition is complete it is possible to separate from the Master a new Nickel Copy which is an exact negative of the Master.
The design parameters of this Hard Electro Forming Unit is to provide a constant supply of the necessary quantity of quality Shims for the Embossing Machine , thus making the end-user of our equipment to be fully independent of all production activities , excepting preparation of the Master.
Unlike other suppliers of such equipment who manufacture and supply only the Electroforming Tank and expect the buyer to procure the necessary Chemicals and consumables independently, Holographic Origination & Machineries Ltd. offers a complete package including all chemicals and consumables to enable the buyer to start commercial production of Quality Holographic Products from day- One .
Detailed Specifications of Equipment:
- Shim Size: 200mm X 250mm
- Process Control Current & Volt: Motorized Variable
- Temperature Control: Programmable
- Cycle Duration Control (Timer): Programmable
- Voltage: 230 Volt A.C. – 50 Hz
- Power Consumption: 5 Kw max.
- Capacity of Machine: 10 Pcs. Shim (Max) Per Day
- Pump & Filter: Included
- Weight: 500 Kg (Approx)
- Approx Dimensions: 1 m X 0.6 m X 0.6 m
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